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Belgian Congo
L'Ikelemba SA, established 29-10-1898, Action de dividende, issued
1898, siege social: Congo Belge; siege administratif: Bruxelles,
Capital Social 500.000 Fr., didvided in 5000 actions de capital de 100
Fr and 5000 actions de dividende (with similar certificate designs), #
= 5000 + 5000 = 10.000; action de dividende, condition UNC, 26 * 35 cm,
exceptionally decorative and a beauty to frame ! Designed by V. de
Coen; f 375 = 170 Euro.
Illustrations: in the top: armour, flags and text
"travail et progres"; bottom: Mercury helmet and staff and some spears;
left: African womancarrying a basket with fruit on her head and a man,
squatting with
another basket,; right: palm tree; lower half: freight train and
ship in harbour. See lower part /
see top part
The company owned an estate of 1000 hectares in the
Ikelemba valley and planted rubber, cocoa and coffee. A collapse in
rubber prices in 1908/9 appears to have killed the company. Facsimile
signature of the
Comte de la Barre d'Erquelinnes (Source: Boone, auction catalogue June
Dutch East Indies
De Grote Atlas van
Nederlands Oost-Indië,
2e uitgebreide editie, geeft naast het indrukwekkend aantal van
topografische kaarten tevens de namen en korte beschrijvingen van 2400
cultuurondernemingen, met van elk een korte beschrijving. Dit 8 kg.
zware boek telt 480 pagina's, meet 33 bij 46 cm. en is 6 cm. dik.
ISBN: 90 74861 24 5; prijs 265 € excl. verzend kosten.
Uitgeverij Asia Maior / KNAG, 2004; email: www.asiamaior.nl en fax:
0111 417 281.
Warm aanbevolen !!
Société des Plantations d'Heveas de Xuan-Loc, statuts
deposes a Saigon, siege social a Paris, no date mentioned, green, with
a very small black drawing of a plane in the border, UNC, f 25
Japan Synthetic Rubber Co., Ltd. Inhaber-Optionsschein, issued by the
berliner- und Frankfurter bank. Germany, 7 Euro.
Beautiful and large illustration of a chemical plant.
The Netherlands / Nederland
In the Netherlands, at least 50 rubber companies were listed at the
Amsterdam Stock exchange in 1954. They operated mainly as rubber
plantations in Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). Many of these can be located in the following book:
De Grote Atlas van Nederlands
2e uitgebreide editie, geeft naast het indrukwekkend aantal van
topografische kaarten tevens de namen en korte beschrijvingen van 2400
cultuurondernemingen, met van elk een korte beschrijving. Dit 8 kg.
zware boek telt 480 pagina's, meet 33 bij 46 cm. en is 6 cm. dik.
ISBN: 90 74861 24 5; prijs 265 € excl. verzend kosten.
Uitgeverij Asia Maior / KNAG, 2004; email: www.asiamaior.nl en fax:
0111 417 281.
Warm aanbevolen !!
English Translation:
The large Atlas (Map) of Dutch East India, 2nd extended edition, gives, besides the impressive number of 530 topographic maps, also the names and short descriptions of 2400 cultivation companies, with a short description from each. This book weighs an impressive 8 kilo (ca. 18 pounds) and has 480 pages, measuring 33 by 46 cm (13 by 24 inches) and is 6 cm (2.4 inches) thick.
This 2nd edition was sold out quickly in 2004 and can only be bought through antique book shops. It costed € 265 originally.
Publisher: Asia Maior / KNAG, 2004; email: www.asiamaior.nl and fax: +31 (0)111 417 281.
Algemeene Belgisch-Javasche Cultuurmaatschappij (Societe Generale
Belge-Javanaise de Cultures), te Amsterdam, 1905, oprichtersaandeel
(part de fondateur), 7 Euro.
Established in 1905, the company had 8 concessions in
The Preanger on Java, divided in 2 enterprises: Kiara Pajoeng (rubber
tea) and Tjiboeni (tea). In 1925 and in 1938 also some concessions near
Palembang on Sumatra with the rubber enterprise Melania. They grew also
coffee and other products.
Amsterdam-Tapanoeli Rubber Cultuur Mij.;
winstaandeel (profit share),
1910, see text in English
; measure smaller than A4; decorative border;
----- condition UNC, with coupons still attached as printed and with
declaration of the Raad voor het Rechtsherstel., price 25 Euro
----- condition EF, with separated coupon sheet. and declaration, 15
----- condition VF: small red cross with pencil in corner, coupon sheet
stapled to the certificate and with
declaration of the Raad voor het Rechtsherstel: price 10 Euro.
![]() |
Banjoewangi Thee- en Rubber-Cultuur Maatschappij, restantbewijs aan toonder, Amsterdam, 1952, met aanh. coupons, prijs 25 Euro. |
Bantamsche Plantagen Maatschappij,
winstbewijs, 's Gravenhage, 1907/
Societe des plantations de Bantam, part de dividende,(including a
"certificat de bonne provenance de titresHollandais detenus en
Belgique), with coupon sheet, dividends payable in Bruxelles),
currently unavailable.
Small vignette of labourer in plantation. see text in English
NV Cultuur Maatschappij "Soeban Ajam"
gev. te Amsterdam; opgericht in 1915; afm. ca. 20 x 28 cm. Ze verbouwden en verhandelden o.a. Kina-bast, Koffie, Thee en Rubber.
Kap.: 750 aandelen van f 1000; = f 750.000; druk: Blikman en Sartorius te A'dam;
Bewijs van
Aandeel f1000, no. 378; met los talon en couponblad; olijf-groene sierrand,
oranje bel. stempel; datum gedrukt: 23 januari 1916; conditie VF, prijs 25 Euro.
--------------- Bewijs van aandeel f 1000, no. 583; met los talon en couponblad, olijf-groene sierrand, geen oranje belastingstempel, datum geschreven: 30 december 1919; conitie VF (iets minder mooi als bovenstaand stuk), prijs € 15.
---------- Kap. op 28 juli 1924 verhoogd tot
f 2.500.000, Bewijs van aandeel f 1000, no. 1659, d.d. April 1927 (gedrukt); druk de Bussy; met los talon en couponblad, olijf-groene sierrand, geen oranje belastingstempel, conditie VF, prijs € 25.
Fransch-Hollandsche Caoutchouc Maatschappij van de Boven Amazone
Rivier / Compagnie Caoutchoutiere Franco-Hollandaise de la Haute
Amsterdam, 1910, bewijs van aandeel van f 250 aan toonder nr.
138, nice decorative
border, EF (1 neat fold), f 50 = Euro 23
Java Rubber Maatschappij
Established March 4th 1924 in The Hague,
aandeel aan toonder groot f 1000, with declaration of rehabilitation (verklaring van
rechtsherstel) and coupon sheet; stamp of reduction of nominal value from f 1000
to f 250 in 1938, green border on yellow,
---------- 's Gravenhage, 1924, (# = 1000), aandeel f 1000, capital 1 million guilders; condition VF: small tears in upper and / or lower mid fold, price 10 Euro.
---------- 's Gravenhage, 1926 (# = 2000), aandeel f 1000, capital raised to 3 million guilders, condition VF, price € 25.
Linkungan Borneo Rubber Maatschappij, NV.
see text in English
-------------- oprichtersaandeel, 's Gravenhage 1910,with all coupons
and certificate of Raad voor het Rechtsherstel, 17 by 25 cm., green
decorative border, orange printed tax seal,
--- with rust stain from paperclip, price 25 Euro.
--- VF+: no rust stain, price 50 Euro.
-------------- bewijs van Gewoon Aandeel, Amsterdam 1954, blue decorative
border, ca. 21 by 30 cm., printer: Kon. Drukkerijen Lankhout Immig NV, Den
Haag; with coupons,
--- VF+, orange printed tax seal, original signature of the director,
price 50 Euro.
--- EF, 2 small cancellation holes, 2 tiny staple traces, reserve piece (blankette), no seal
nor director's signature, price 25 Euro.
Nieuw Tjïsalak Cultuur Maatschapij,
's Gravenhage, aandeel van
f 20,
1910, borders are curled and have some small tears, (condition VF - F),
25 = Euro 11
Vignette of labourers tapping rubber trees. There are
2 types: one is the mirror image of the other.
Rubber Cultuur maatschappij Djember
te 's Gravenhage / Societe
Anonyme des plantations de Caoutchouc Djember, a La Haye, established
in 1912, winstaandeel / action de dividende, Paris 1925 (in stead of
The Hague in 1912), Dutch blue tax stamp, price 11 Euro
Rubber Cultuur Maatschappij "Soengey-Raja"
gev. te 's Gravenhage;
kapitaal 1 miljoen, # = 4000 aandelen van f 500, splitsbaar in
onderaandelen van f 100; bewijs van aandeel f 500 aan toonder, 's
Gravenhage, februari 1910; groene en bruine sierrand, rond oranje
belastingstempel; rood stempel: afstempeling tot f 200; aanhangende
coupons; VF/F: "gaten" in vouwen + randscheuren, 25 Euro.
Tjikadoe Rubber Plantage N.V.
te 's Gravenhage, bewijs van aandeel
à 5, 1934, currently not available.
United Kingdom of Great Britain
click for enlargement |
Batavia (Kerkhoven) Rubber & Tea Estates (1933) Limited. Certificate for 1,000 shares of 2 shillings each (of which 1 shilling and 10 pence were paid), in the name of Nieuw-Amsterdamsch Administratie-Kantoor, 1933; measuring ca. 28 x 28 cm.; with orange printed tax seal and on the back 2 Dutch tax stamps of 10 cents each, related to 2 additional payments in 1933, which were described by 2 red stamps.condition EF; Price € 95. The Dutch Kerkhoven planter- family has become rich and famous In Dutch East Indies and has been described in several Duch historic novels by for example Hella Haasse (Heren van de Thee / Gentlemen of the Tea) and by Leonard Huizinga (Adriaan and Olivier). |
Galang Besar rubber plantations, share warrant to bearer for 25 shares of 2/- each, London, 1919, size: 36 by 34,5 cm; 9,5 by 5 cm. engraving of labourers fetching rubber from the trees; copmplete coupon sheet attached; price 75 Euro.
South-East Borneo Rubber Plantations, Ltd.
1912; Certificate no 101 of
Option rights for 50 shares of 1 Pound each, valid until Dec. 31st
1916; size: 23,5 by 21 cm; 3 original signatures; UNC/EF, embossed
seal, price 45 Euro.
Fisk Rubber Company (The)
Established in 1898, but in 1931 put under "receivers".
In 1933 the most exploitable part went up in The Fisk Rubber
Corporation, the less exploitable part in the Fisk Realty Corporation.
The Fisk rubber Corporation owned tire factories in Chicopee Falls
(Mass.) and a canvas
factory in New Bedford (Mass.) and tire depots in 31 towns in the USA.
products were car and bicycle tyres and other rubber products. They
a production plant in Sweden in 1939. The Fisk Rubber Corp. was taken
in 1939 by the US Rubber Company. (Source: van Oss, 1954, p 67).
All certificates measure 26 bij 18,5 cm. and have a large printed
orange tax seal from Amsterdam, 3 original signatures, are
printed by the famous Dutch printer Johan Enschedé in Haarlem;
They have been issued in Amsterdam by the (NV) Maatschappij tot
beheer van het Administratiekantoor van Amerikaanse Fondsen, opgerigt
door Broes en Gosman, ten Have en van Essen en Jarman en Zonen. (a
famous Amsterdam stock administration office).
----------- Certificaat van Tien
Gewone Aandelen (Certificate of 10 ordinary shares), green border,
conditiom VF: 2 light folds, price 25 €.
---------- Certificaat van $ 1000 7%
cumulatief Eerste Preferente Aandelen (certificate of $ 1000 7%
cumulative first preferred shares), condition VF, 2 light folds, price
25 €.
Lee Rubber & Tire Corp., red, vignette with allegorical men and woman, < 100 shares,1964, f 25
Plymouth Rubber Comp. Inc., red, 100 shares,1970, vignette of allegorical man and woman pouring oil on a flame, f 25
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