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La Juranconne S.A.
(Producer of liqueur)
Action de 100 Francs au porteur; Paris
1928; impr.: union des arts graphique, 41 rue riches; 2 origin.
signatures, size ca. 24 by 33 cm, with 3 engravings:
1) 8 by 9 cm: baptism of Henry IV, with this liqueur (see bottle
on the table)!
2) 8 by 9 cm: noble man kneeling before bishop
3) round 4 cm: Henry IV and text "Henricus IV AVG Christianiss";
red company seal with swords and dagger; blue decorative border with
French Lilly signs; price 150 Euro.
Vieille Cure de Cenon (Société Anonyme de la), Cenon-Bordeaux
Nice vignette of a bottle of the famous liqueur and picture
of the monastry of Cenon in the underpint.
---------- 1921, share of 100 Fr., yellow/green, price 45 Euro
---------- 1952, share of 2500 Fr., red, Nice vignette of a
bottle of the famous liqueur and picture of the monastry of Cenon in
the underpint. price € 25.
Liquer de la Vielle Cure,
Brochure, 19.. ?, afm. ca. 17,5 x 20 cm.
16 p. met interieur foto's,
1p. met"recettes de coctails' en 8 p. met "recettes culinaires"
Prijs € 35.
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Casinos de Nice, S.A. des,
Prijs € 10. |
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---------- nr. 3727, Conditie VF: in onderrand 0,5 cm. scheurtje links midden onder 2 scheune kreukels, verder heel moi, prijs € 75. |
Casino des Fleurs de Beaulieu sur-mer
Nice, 1-12-1928: Action de 500 Francs au porteur.
Met prachtige gravure.
Conditie UNC = drukfris, geen gebreken, geen vouw tussen aandeel en couponblad. Daarom verzending als pakket in grote enveloppe of koker. Verz. kosten in NL: ongevouwen € 10; gevouwen bij het couponblad: € 5.
Afm.: zonder couponblad: 21 x31 cm; met couponblad: 40 x 31 cm..
Prijs: € 75 excl. verzending.
La Holding Francaise & Holding de France: Oustric's business buble that finally the story (in Dutch) by the famous stock market speculator Kostolany.
These 2 companies show the same logo on their stocks, but I don't know the exact relation between the two. Who can inform me ?
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Holding de France S.A., with all coupons attached, measures without coupons ca. 32,5 x 20,5, no folds except at the coupon-sheet. price €35 |
La Holding Francaise - H.O.L.F.R.A., S.A.
---------- Action ordinaire de Cent Francs au Porteur, Paris, 1928, red border on green field, with coupon sheet attached of which only one coupon has been cut. Measuring ca. 31 x 20,5 cm.
One year later the capital was -according to a stamp - raised from 25 million to 240 million Francs !
----------------- no. 213.879, price € 20
----------------- no. 387.734, price € 20
----------------- no. 213.878, price € 20
----------------- no. 249.480, price € 20
---------- Titre de 25 Actions Ordinaires de Cent Francs au Porteur, Paris, 1929, grey border on yellow field, with coupon sheet attached of which only one coupon has been cut. Measuring ca. 30,5 x 22 cm., Price € 50.
Kostolany, Andé (1986), Kostolanys Börsenseminar Für Kapitalanleger und Spekulanten, uitg. Econ Taschenbuch Verlag, ISBN 3-612-26235-1
Kostolany, André (1986), Kostolanys Beurskroniek voor Beleggers en Speculanten, uitg. Strengholt, 1986, isbn 90-6010-657-1, 219 p.
La Holding Francaise: Kostolany &Oustric, V.V.O.F. Mededelingeblad Nr. 2 van juli-aug. 1980, blz. 9 en 10
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Cocteau, Jean
Beautifully drawn woman's head (see picture) by Jean Cocteau, probably his version of France's national symbol, Marianne. (Waarschijnlijk Cocteau's versie van Frankrijk's nationale symbool Marianne: zie hier en hier bij Wikipedia) condition EF, but some tiny staple holes, price: 75 Euro. The Parisian Jean Cocteau (1889 -1963) was the first true multi-media artist. He was not only well known as a film director (e.g. in 1946 La Belle et Le Bête = The Beauty and The Beast, after Madame Le Prince de Beaumont's book in 1757), but is also widely known in poetry, fiction, ballet, opera, painting and illustration. See further: |
Société Industrielle du Gaz Méthane (Anciens Établissements HELLA)
Courbevois (Fr.), 1909, Part Bénéficiaire au porteur, Série A; Ca. 19 x 24 cm + Art Nouveau borders and coupons; Imp. Maljean, Paris, condition: one horizontal fold near bottom, price € 25.
Pétrole Trust, Action de 100 Francs au Porteur, Paris, apres 1924, (nice vignette of old oil towers), measuring ca. 20 x 30 cm. complete coupon sheet attached, condition EF: unfolded, except on fold with coupon sheet; price 60 Euro. |
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Sociëtë Anonyme de Constructions Mecaniques et de Machines-Outils (Nord)
Constitué en 1906; Action de 200 Francs au porteur; Louvroil, 1924;
Blue border, orange Dutch tax stamp and a French tax stamp; 21 x 31 cm.; condition VF; price € 35.
Fransch-Javaansche Exploitatie Maatschappij, N.V./ Société de Culture Franco-Javanaise S.A.
Founded in 1912 in The Hague (The Netherlands) and administrative seat in Paris / Siège social à La Haye et Siège Administratif à Paris. 16 x 24 cm., coupon sheet attached; they were in the oil business:
---------- 1/10e aandeel aan toonder van f 100 / 1/10e Action au porteur (1/10th share of DGL 100 to bearer); Blue border on green, red French printed tax stamp, condition VF: unfolded but many tiny needle holes, price € 50.
--------- 1/100e Oprichtersaandeel / 1/100e Part de Fondateur (1/100th Founder Share); brown border on beige; condition VF: many tiny needle holes and various traces of usage; price € 35
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