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The Netherlands
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De Zilver-, Goud- en Diamant-Handel voorheen Hoeker & Zoon, N.V. Established in Amsterdam; Winstbewijs voor 1/132e aandeel in de winst tot een maximum van f 600. (English: profit-sharing note for a 1/132th part of the profits, with a maximum of DGL 600 in total); Amsterdam, 1-5-1916; printed by M. Lindenbaum, Amsterdam, measuring ca. 17 x 25 cm., with orange printed tax seal; condition EF: 1 neat horizontal fold and a fold in the left lower corner; rare, price € 250. Willem Christiaan Hoeker was the father (1862 - na 1906) and the son was Willem C. Hoeker. |
Diamanthandel v/h Schijveschuurder & van Straten
te Amsterdam, aandeel van f 1000, getekend door de directie, o.a. A
Schijveschuurder jr. en Sr., fraaie bruine sierrand, geplaatst # = 150, slechts 150 van de
300 aandelen zijn geplaatst. See
---------- t.n.v. Isaac van Straten, prijs 95 Euro.
---------- t.n.v. Asfer Schijveschuurder, prijs 95 Euro.
---------- t.n.v. Abraham Schijveschuurder, prijs 95 €.
De (joodse) familie zat al in de tijd van Napoleon in de diamanthandel
en heeft bij de naamsbepaling in 1773 een
familienaam aangenomen uit het diamantvak: Schijvenschuurder.
(bron: Monen veilingcatalogus). De naam slaat op de schijf waarmee
de diamant wordt geslepen en die regelmatig moet worden
schoongeschuurd. Later verdween de meervouds-n uit de naam. Veel, maar
niet alle, leden
van de familie kwamen om tijdens het nazi-regime.
English: The Jewish family worked in the
diamond trade as early as the Napoleontic
times. In those days people had to choose a name and the family
choose a name from the diamond industry: Schijveschuurder,
which means "schijf cleaner" or "scaife cleaner". The name schijf or scaife refers to the rotating disc with which the
diamond is cut (source: Jack Santcross, pers. comm. July 16th 2012) .
Many, but not all
family members were killed during the nazi-regime.
Diamant-Maatschappij H.E. Slijper , NV
Opgericht in 1939; Bewijs van 4% Cumulatief Preferent niet winstdelend aandeel groot f 500 aan toonder, Amsterdam, 1949; origineel ondertekend door directeur H.E. Slijper; druk joh. Enschede en Zonen-Haarlem; paarse sierrand op blauw veld; ca. 23,5x31,5 cm., volledig aanhangend couponblad, UNC; prijs € 50.
De gelijknamige BV bestaat nog steeds als groothandel in juweliersartikelen en uurwerken en diamantairs, gev. te Sint Oedenrode (N.Br).
English: Diamond Company H.E. Slijper (slijper = Dutch for Cutter)
Established in Amsterdam in 1939; Certificate of 4% Cumulative Preferred not profit sharing share of DGL 500 to bearer, Amsterdam 1949; originally signed by director H.E. Slijper; print: Joh. Enschede, Haarlem; purple border on blue field, ca. 23x31 cm. Complete dividend-coupon sheet attached; condition: UNC = print fresh; price € 50.
The company still exists in Sint Oedenrode (The Netherlands) as diamont trader and wholesale trader in juwelry and watches.
Doornlaagte Diamant Maatschappij
gev. te Amsterdam; opgericht in 1907; Maatsch. kap. f 600.000; 600
van f 1000; Bewijs van aandel aan
f 1000; Amsterdam, 1907; ca. 22 bij 28 cm.; zwarte sierrand; druk:
Holdert & Co., A'dam; volledig couponblad, gepreegd bel. zegel 2 Gulden;
ongevouwen; onderrand scheurtjes amper zichtbaar indien ingelijst.
---------- 0,5 cm scheur in onderrand, prijs: 95 Euro.
Maurits Prins' Diamanthandel
established in Amsterdam, in 1922, trading in diamonds and pearls;
capital 1 million guilders, divided in 100 shares (Bewijzen van
aandeel) of fl.10.000, of which
only 20% has been deposited.Of these 100
shares, only 50 were issued. These are numbered 1 - 50 and have the
original signatures of the directors Maurits Prins and R. Hugo
Prins. The numbers 51-100, unissued reserve pieces (blankettes) have
also appeared in the collectors market but bear one unknown signature,
possibly put on by an outsider / dealer. size: 21 by 30 cm.; Print: De
Bussy, Amsterdam; brown characters and grey decorative border; Read more about the history of this company !
---------- issued pieces, numbered < 51,
in the name (printed !) of den Heer Raphaël Hugo Prins
te Amsterdam, condition EF: very faint mid fold, separate coupon sheet,
price 95 Euro.
Nederlandsch-Zuid-Afrikaansche Diamant-Maatschappij
gev. te Amsterdam; Bewijs van 20 aandelen van f 12 (1 Pond) elk, aan toonder, Amsterdam 1894; Typ. de Brakke Grond, A'dam; afm. 25 bij 18 cm.; zwarte sierrand op groen, blauw bel. stempel; VF+: ongevouwen, enkele minieme nietjesgaatjes, prijs 95 €.
The Diamond Jubilee Mineral Development Company of Ontario, Canada Ltd. Share warrant to bearer of 5 shares of 1 $ each, no. 5290; Toronto, febr. 1898, printed by Alexander & Co., Ltd., Toronto; text in black and white, both in English and French, with large gold seal and 2 small pictures of beavers; a beauty to frame ! measuring ca. 21 x 35 cm (9 x 14 inch); couponsheet attached as originally issued, one coupon cut for dividend; condition EF = extremely fine, unfolded, almost as new; price € 95. This share warrant is depicted on the cover of the German share collector's magazine "der Aktiensammler" no 6, 2008. Page 10 and 11 are an article "Fascination Diamanten: Edelsteine im Spiegel Historischer Wertpapiere" (Engl.: Diamond fascination: gems mirrorred by historic stocks). However, a diamond share collector pointed out to me that this company is probably an ordinary mining company, not involved in diamonds. We can see a correct definition in WIKIPEDIA : A Diamond Jubilee is a celebration held to mark a 60th anniversary in the case of a person (e.g. wedding anniversary, length of time a monarch has reigned as King or Queen, etc.) or a 75th anniversary in the case of an event (e.g. the founding of a university), such as in the case of the University of Nottingham'sJubilee Campus In this context , the term of mineral is used frequently for rocks, earths and metallic ores and very rarely for a gemmy material.
Diamond International Corporation
engraving of woman and 2 globes;
---------- certificate
from 1982, for odd shares of the $ 1,20 series cumulative preferred
stock; in the
name of Frances H. Meacham, orange border on the left; several folds
staple traces, price 25 Euro.
---------- certificate for odd shares of common stock, from 1979, in
the name of Sylvia F. Klein, Illinois; some figures in red pencil; blue
stamp near engraving, heavy folds and some staple damage, price 10 Euro.
Jeweler Incorporated
incorporated in 1960 under pennsylvania law; certificate of 100 shares, 1972, blue
border, 6 by 4 cm photo of a diamond, facsimile signature of Seymour
Holzman; company name in yellow; many (severe) staple traces; price 95
click to enlarge
Lazare Kaplan International Inc.
Delaware, USA, 1978, certificate of 100 shares, blue border, unfolded, but various staple traces. The company is listed on the AMEX exchange under code LKI.; price €50.
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