Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen -
Wederikweg 114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; email: [email protected]
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Value Capital Limited
Incorporated in the commonwealth of the Bahama Islands under the
Companies act in 1971; bearer Warrant no. V 1813 for 5 shares of 1 c
(US currency); see 5 by 5 cm
blue border; facsimile signature of vice president Marvin H. Hoffman;
coupon sheet attached, price: 50 Euro.
Compagnie Financière Belgo-Chinoise (Belgo-Chinese Investment
Company) S.A.
Established 7-1-1926, Brussels, Belgium, Action de Capital de 50
$ Chinois au porteur; Brussels, 31-3-1926; print: Joh. Enschede en
Zonen, Haarlem, NL, orange Dutch tax stamp and 2 black Belgian tax
stamps; very decorative piece in green, red and blue; border with bugs,
fish and cocks as ornaments as well as Jing/Yang symbol, see picture, rare piece, never put
at auction according to the GET catalogue. coupons attached, 2 of which
were cut, EF. almost UNC, 250 Euro.
Compagnie Nationale Financière SA, constitué 14-10-1898 a Bruxelles, Cap. Soc 10 million Fr, Action de Capital de 100 Fr au porteur, black and red tax stamps, Brussels, 1901, beautiful black decorative border and texts on grey pattern, Lith: Du Messager de Bruxelles, 25 Euro.
Coöperatieve Rabobanken
Zeldzame SPECIMEN uit de geruimde archieven van drukkerij De Bussy
Ellerman Harms, Amsterdam.
Afm. 21 bij 30 cm, conditie UNC (drukfris), met oranje-zwart logo van
de Rabo Bank: lopende man op zonnewijzer;
6% kasbons (blauwe sierrand) en 5% kasbons (rode sierand):
Coöperatieve Rabobank Baarle -Nassau, gev. te Baarle-Nassau (B), (enclave in N.Br.): 5% kasbon (prijs € 25) en 6% kasbon (prijs € 50).
Credit Foncier d'Extreme-Orient, established in Brussels in 1907, 1 ordinary share of 250 Fr., with coupons no. 27 - 44 attached, green border, unfolded, imprimerie "protecto" SA, Brussels, EF, 1946, price: 12 Euro.
Trust Colonial, S.A.
Bruxelles 1899, Large illustrations of 2
elegant ladies, Mercurius attributes, world map and Jugendstil border decoration. Nice
to frame.
---------- Action de Capital, red design and text, VF/EF: 35 Euro; VF
25 Euro
---------- Action de Dividende, blue design and text, VF, 35 Euro
IOS-Investors Overseas Services,
Toronto, Canada, 1970, bearer share warrants
for a varying number of shares, with facsimile signature of president
Bernie Cornfield, vignette: lady
with bare
breasts, long hair waving in the wind, holding Hermes staff (caduceus), sitting in front of a
harbour and factories, leaning on a globe, withh couponsheet attached,:
IOS was the infamous mutual fund of Bernie
Cornfield, that ended in a scam: many persons lost most or all of their
invested money.
---------- warrant for odd shares, dark brown border, no coupons,75
---------- warrant for 1 share, brown border, 1969, VF+: 75
---------- warrant for 10 shares, green border, 1969, EF, price
75 Euro; VF, with minor faults in upper border: price 55 Euro.
---------- warrant for 50 shares, dark grey border, 1969, EF,
price 75 Euro.
Costa Rica / Panama
<---- click on picture for large scan |
Capital Growth Company S.A.,
Certificates (ca. 20 x 30 cm) of preferred shares with a
3 by 6 cm Vignette in gold relief print of
a 3-master sail ship.
This investment company may be the successor of Capital
Growth Fund, registered in the Bahamas under New
providence Securities Ltd.
I sometimes receive questions of persons who inherited or bought shares in
this company and want to know if they still have any economic value.
I don't think they have and that mr. Mc. Alpin, who signed the certificates as president, has deceived his investors.
Anyone who knows more about this company is requested to inform me, in order that that I can answer those who wrote to me. See our separate page for more information on this company and related ones.
I take it that these certificates are now just collector's items, especially because of their beautiful sailship, printed in gold relief. The following certificates are for sale, all in unfolded and perfect condition. They all have the golden vignette; only the border colour and number of shares differ. Price differences reflect availability.
------- 1 share, green, July 19th1971, price 20 Euro
------- 5 shares, ocre, July 19th 1971. price 25 Euro
------- 10 shares, brown, July 19th 1971, price 25 Euro
------- 25 shares, blue, July 19th 1971, price 25
----- 100 shares, purple, July 19th 1971, sold out
Copenhagen Handelsbank A/S, Inhaber-Optionsschein voor aandelen, nominaal Dkr 1000, lilabruin, Kopenhagen, december 1985, UNC, price f 50 = 23 Euro
Unisteam Investments, St Nicolaas, Aruba, bearer share of F 1000,
blue border, print Joh. Enschede en Zonen, Haarlem, unfolded, EF,price:
45 Euro.
Crédit Foncier Egyptien
Lettre de Confirmation de vente d'une obligation (mésures: 24 par 31 cm.), Emission 1903, au prix de P.T. 1600; issue par F. Biglio & Co.; cadre brun, mais texte et 2 vignettes en vert; une vignette d'une Sirène et l'autre d'une Spinx; condition F (mauvais); trous d'archives, petits tires, bordres irregulières; prix 35 €.
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The Land Bank of Egypt, Established in 1905, Une Action Ordinaire, (blankette), very decorative share in green and dark blue; 5 by 12 cm illustration of city and shepard with cattle; beautiful border full Egyptian symbols and abstract flowers, see picture , a beauty to frame !, EF +, unfolded, but 4 share-book pinholes in edge of upper border, 1 of which is torn (absolutely invisible when framed), 34 Euro. |
Union Bank of Finland Ltd., Zertifikat über 6 Inhaber-Optionsscheine, roze, Helsinki, november 1986, UNC, price f 20 = 9 Euro.
Crédit Foncier Argentin, S.A.
Paris, 1920; action de
500 Fr au porteur; 33 by 26 cm.; brown decorative border and 22 by
4 cm. engraving of catle grazing and the harvesting of grain; coupon
attached, EF+, unfolded, price 15 Euro
Crédit Foncier Continental, SA
Paris, 1928; Action de 100
Francs au porteur; Imp. de la Bourse et des Cies
black decorative border and text on green field; red tax stamp,
15 Euro.
Crédit Foncier du Brésil et de l'Amérique du
Sud, S.A.
Paris, 1928, action de 500 Fr;
33 by 21 cm; print: Richard, Paris; engraving: Henri Brauer; depicted
are the almost nude god(des) Hermes (L.: Mercurius; Engl.: Mercury)a
cherub with horn of affluence and Medusa, her hair full of
snakes; Very decorative and a beauty to frame !; price 25 Euro.
From the former collection of beautiful women on stocks of Marc-Edouard Emay (nrs. 11 - 18) it becomes apparent that this design by Henri Brauer was used by at least 4 other companies.
Credit National SA, pour faciliter la reparation des dommages causes par la guerre, Paris, emprunt 1919, obligation de 500 Fr. au porteur, brun et jaune, large border with leaves and fruits, vignette with woman and Gallian cock and fruits, text: "Gallia superest", condition F, tears in lower border taped professionally, 25 Euro.
La Holding Francaise & Holding de France: Oustric's business buble that finally bursted.....read the story (in Dutch) by the famous stock market speculator Kostolany.
These 2 companies show the same logo on their stocks, but I don't know the exact relation between the two. Who can inform me ?
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Holding de France S.A., with all coupons attached, measures without coupons ca. 32,5 x 20,5, no folds except at the coupon-sheet. price €35 |
La Holding Francaise - H.O.L.F.R.A., S.A.
---------- Action ordinaire de Cent Francs au Porteur, Paris, 1928, red border on green field, with coupon sheet attached of which only one coupon has been cut. Measuring ca. 31 x 20,5 cm.
One year later the capital was -according to a stamp - raised from 25 million to 240 million Francs !
----------------- no. 213.879, price € 20
----------------- no. 387.734, price € 20
----------------- no. 213.878, price € 20
----------------- no. 249.480, price € 20
---------- Titre de 25 Actions Ordinaires de Cent Francs au Porteur, Paris, 1929, grey border on yellow field, with coupon sheet attached of which only one coupon has been cut. Measuring ca. 30,5 x 22 cm., Price € 50.
Kostolany, Andé (1986), Kostolanys Börsenseminar Für Kapitalanleger und Spekulanten, uitg. Econ Taschenbuch Verlag, ISBN 3-612-26235-1
Kostolany, André (1986), Kostolanys Beurskroniek voor Beleggers en Speculanten, uitg. Strengholt, 1986, ISBN 90-6010-657-1, 219 p.
La Holding Francaise: Kostolany &Oustric, V.V.O.F. Mededelingeblad Nr. 2 van juli-aug. 1980, blz. 9 en 10
Bischofsheimer Volksbank eG
Jubilaeum Emission (# issued = 3000) 3,5% Inhaber-Schuldverschreibung
1999-2004 ueber Zehn Euro. Beautiful
watercolour painting (12 by 15 cm) of the local Water Tower.
Beautiful separate coupon sheet (still valid) with 11 pictures of historic
buildings in the region. Bischofsheim, February 1999, 95 Euro.
Deutsch-Niederlaendische Bank A.G., Düsseldorf,
----- august 1921, Aktie ueber 1000 mark, green with rose border,
condition VF-F, but really not too bad, 500 Eu = f 1.100.
----- Maerz 1923, Aktie 1000 Mark, see
picture, 30 Euro = f 66.
Duisenberg, Dr. Wim F.,
First president of the ECB, the European Central Bank in
Frankfurt, before that president of the DNB, De Nederlandse Bank (Dutch
national Bank) and before that Minister of Finance of The Netherlands.
Signature from 1975 on a white card,
to his cartoon, with accompanying letter (in Dutch) on blue
official letter
of the Ministry of Finance (with blue coat of arms of The Netherlands,
lion and crown) from his secretary J. C. van den Adel, to Ruth
Bleyerveld in Apeldoorn: (in my translation into English) "Dear Ruth,
in response to
your letter of January 6th I enclose for you the signature of
Duisenberg. Friendly greetings".
The signature shows even after 27 years strong resemblance with his
featuring on all Euro bank notes issued during his bank presidency.
price: 75 Euro.
Hugo Oppenheim & Sohn Nachf., Berliner privatbank A.G., Aktie 1000 Mark, Berlin, Dezember 1964, blue border on blue / beige field, Druck Giesche & Devrient, Muenchen, Stamped down to 600 DM in 1965, see picture, UNC, separate coupon sheet, 45 Euro.
nothing available right now
Deonica, Kreditne Banke Beograd (Belgrade Credit bank)
Belgrade, 1990; share certificate with complete coupons attached, red,
with 11 by 6 cm picture of the bank building, EF, unfolded, 25 Euro.
Homoljska Privredna Banka (Homolje Investment Bank)
Homole is a region in Serbia; the share certificates are beautifully
decorated, also in gold print.
------ catalogue no. 341: 10 shares
of 100 dinars in silver; catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro;
our price: 75 Euro.
------ catalogue no. 340: 100 dinars
in silver, catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro; our price: 75
Leskovacka Stedionica (English: Leskovac Savings Bank)
share of 1000 ..., in a capital of 2
million, 30 by 19 cm, 1929, catalog no. 475; with pictures of
god of the trade Hermes (=Mercury) and goddess of agriculture and
fertility Demeter (+ Ceres), EF: unfolded, coupons attached, price 75
PUCKE TRGOVINSKE BANKE "DIONICKO DRUSTO U. SPLITU (Peoples Trading Bank), Split, 1922, 1 share (= 1 Dionica), 400 Kr., large size (38 by 30 cm), brown on yellow with red and dark brown characters. 2 beautiful drawings by Tommaseo, of a woman and a man, see picture, 4 wet stamps, also over part of the drawing. VF, unfolded, but a few wrinkles at outer edge of upper border, 625 Euro.
Soko-Banjska Banka (English: Soko Banja Bank)
catalogue no. 710; 23 by 17 cm share certificate of 50 Dinars in
silver (numbered between 747 and 964), Soko Banja, 1914; green with
beautiful golden border lines and texts;
6 by 11 cm picture of 2 goddesses, one of them Demetre (L: Ceres),
goddess of agriculture , holding a plough, a grain sheaf and a sickle,
sitting under a small bee hive; a
beauty to frame. 2001 Catalogue price indication: 40-50 Euro; our
price 45 Euro.
Stara Pazova Bank - Staropazoska Banka
Stara Pazova, 1920, Serbia / Servië; share of 120 Krowns
= 40 Dinar, 3rd emission, print: Unie Praha; size: 36 by 24 cm.; 3
in very decorative (Balkan Style) border: a town, a grain field and
of economy; yellow, Serbian catalogue no. 736, EF: unfolded, price 25
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